Ups and Downs

The day has ended up considerably better than it started. In sorting out the problems of yesterday I contrived to create an even bigger problem. My head was not in a good space and one small change to supposedly make the software more robust had a most unfortunate side effect. I found out at midnight when my phone received a cascade of text messages. I had a truly awful feeling in the pit of my stomach when I realised just how many other people were receiving those same messages. Not my finest hour. It was very obvious what had caused the problem and it was hard to believe how I missed such a gaping flaw in the logic. I took yet another trip into Shipley this morning to clear it all up. All is working beautifully now, thank goodness!

I got back from the office in time to get a ride in, although I had to change my route as the road was closed because of a serious road traffic accident at Bolton Abbey. For the first time in many years I climbed up towards Harrogate on the A59 and discovered a few landscape compositions to explore further in better conditions. The low cloud dispersed a bit this afternoon but never very much. Photography might have been easier this morning when it was closed in more, but I rather like this shot. There weren't too many I took this afternoon that worked well.

Finally, the good news is that the Gods have given me a break. I heard back that I've had seven of my photographs accepted for the Viewpoint Exhibition. I'm dead chuffed! It has sure been an up and down weekend.

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