Proud Weegie

By Shiv

My little Minon.

No 3 awoke VERY early to open her presents. I managed to keep her amused until a decent time by telling her the story of my labour and her delivery !!  By 6.45 the house was up.

It was like Christmas...not with expensive presents, just with the excitement.  Blingles, Beano Annual, clothes, money  and books.  She was delighted (she opened a parcel from her Auntie Fee yesterday as an apetiser!)

Work for No3, dancing for No 2 - oh...and the rugby.

We didn't manage to celebrate her Birthday as her sisters were all elsewhere, and this made her a bit tearful later on.  But I promised a movie and lunch with the girls tomorrow and she has a party at that blinking trampoline place in 2 weeks when the schools are back.

Her choice this evening - an awesome chinese at our local chinese supermarket (that is always packed with Chinese people!), then back home for her movie choice....Mulan (there's a chinese flavour to this!).

Happy birthday my little minion, I hope you enjoy sleeping in my bed tonight....don't steal all the covers! xxxxxx love you loads.

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