When I am an old woman....

...I shall wear purple

Well I think I'm nearly there because I wore purple trousers today and then when I went to hairdressers I decided to have purple streaks!

I shall sit on the pavement when I'm tired

I dithered between red and purple and then ummed and aahed as to whether I should do it at all....then I just said, "Go for it," before I could change my mind. I love it!

I shall go out in my slippers in the rain...

The girl who was doing my hair was quite excited to do something different. I really wanted the shocking pink I'd had a few years ago but they don't have it anymore. She has taken a hair sample and she's going to experiment so that next time I can have a mixture of purple and pink. 

And pick flowers in other people's gardens

They were pleased with the results too and took some photos for their file.

And learn to spit.

Forwards and backwards...here

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