Hey You.....

...get behind the white line!!!

Pat and I went on a little jaunt to Ramsbottom this afternoon. The sun was shining and the steam trains were out...oh I could so easily become spotter and follow the steam. They are magnificent engines...the power, the noise and the smell...they are just fabulous.

As the 15.35 was building up steam ready to go there were cameras poised all over the platform, but one rebel had overstepped the mark and so the guard couldn't wave his flag or blow his whistle. Hey you....with the camera fixed to my eye I glanced down the platform and saw him pointing ...at me!!! Get on this side of the white line...ooops....I took the two steps forward and everyone was happy. Blimey, Mr Elfunsafety, it was two steps for goodness sake!

I did get a shot of him striding towards me pointing and I ummed and ahhed whether to use it or this one. I might change my mind yet.

Hey you!!

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