A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Rescue Remedy

A slightly busier than expected first day of the holidays but generally all good. Various ferrying of kids between play dates allowed me a small window of work this morning, though fortunately enough to meet the necessary deadlines. And enough domestic activity to keep all that ticking over too.

We weren't sure we would make our planned Hint Hunt trip but after a restful afternoon J declared himself up for it and off we headed. Gave them an unintentional insight into commuting which has left Anna wanting a job she can drive to and Jackson wanting to either go to work in a helicopter or better still be a helicopter pilot.

The Hint Hunt was fabulous and despite a lot of mayhem we managed to escape the room - just - with 51 seconds to spare. J found the last few minutes when it got a little frantic a bit hard but we mainly put this down to needing food than anything else. Two helpings of dinner didn't quite get there so in a remarkable surge of indulgence I made these which tipped the balance into sanity.

Lesley x

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