Aperture on Life

By SheenaghMclaren


Picture courtesy of my sister.  This is not one of the most flattering photos of my mother, lying on a hospital bed 500 miles away from here, in Dundee. The others are too graphic to show!

Mother didn't think her cat was feeling well so decided to go and get it some grass,  She tripped up on a step and has taken 20cms of what little skin she has left from her shin, baring the bone.  

At 86 this ain't good news!  

My sister took her straight into Ninewells Hospital where she's been seen by doctors and consultants, given a good dose of morphine and at 2am they are waiting now to see a specialist surgeon. 

They've suggested that Mum will need a skin graft and I can see from the images that this is quite serious.  I hope I'm wrong but this could that could take many months to heal.


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