Reasons to smile...

By Lauraiea

Dad's teeth

Ok so not really. But I remember when I was really wee we had been in Spain and there had been a number of bombs exploded the day before we flew home. We were the first flight back to Scotland (the airport had been a target too if I remember correctly) and there were tv cameras waiting as we came through the arrivals area. My dad and my brother and me had been in a joke shop before leaving and bought huge fake lips, fake ugly teeth and scary eyes and we were wearing them coming off the plane to meet my grandma who was picking us up. What a row my dad got off of her when she saw us with our fake face accessories, and the tv cameras filming us as the first folk home! Clearly we were very embarrassing to her and my mum, but we just thought it was a bit of fun.

Back blipping as I fell asleep early last night. Coincidentally my dad's off to the dentist this morning.

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