Street scene

After having lunch with Chisa today, I spent the rest of the day wandering round on my own. I managed to find the Kite Museum near Nihonbashi (very small and hard to find) and the 'ggg' design gallery in Ginza. I even managed to use my Japanese to ask someone on the subway if I was getting on the right train. And they understood me!

It is quite hard to find places in Tokyo as addresses refer to a 'block', and it isn't always that easy to tell which block you're in at any given time. If I'd had an iPhone or similar device, it would have been much easier, but my phone doesn't work in Japan so I had to rely on the good old-fashioned 'look it up on Google Maps before leaving the house and make copious notes' method. It worked pretty well as long as I didn't stray too far off the plan.

One thing I did learn today was how very important it is to know which station exit to use - the stations are huge and if you get the wrong exit, you're a bit screwed.

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