Close Up......Side Profile!!!
"Is this my best side Annie"?
"Ah I think it probably is Kitty Boy"!
"Would you Blip me so"????
"Course I will Kitty Boy"!
"I'm awful hungry today Annie.......
"I know that KB .....this is my 3rd! Time out feeding you this morning"!!!!!!
"And Annie, would you ever tell that D.O.G to STOP barking in my ear"? I have a cat-headache listening to her!!"
"Well you're not the only one Kitty Boy"!!!!!
"Bring her out a treat there, Annie, when you're .....she might like that, and it might keep her quiet for a few seconds"!!
"You're very generous KB"!........
Awhile since I had such a conversation with the Kitty Boy........!
Full time caring very tough going at the moment.....
I have to get a lot more help...
Came very close to tipping over the edge yesterday....
Not good for either myself or my Mother....!
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