Pancake Day

There has been some fine sunny spells today but mixed with some rainy showers!

I've been working in the museum office today and plenty to get on with. 
Been along my sister Laura after work for tea and now a few hours to myself before work in the pub tonight.

My niece Elise wanted me to pop along after work and help her to make pancakes.  It's not your basic pancakes, it's cartoon character pancakes she wanted :)  After practicing at the weekend, I'm getting better at it.  Spongebob was a bit burnt, Homer Simpson was ok but some bits fell off, but this is Mr Burns and Maggie Simpson, they turned out fine :)  For the darker bits, I used Nutella and caramel in the pancake mix and tasted great :)  Me and Elise, taken at Blett Road, Cunningsburgh.

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