Wound up in Wexford

By Neatwithice


Tuesdays are generally long days.  I have to work a day shift so that I can get to my rehearsal in the evening, so that means a relatively early start.  I often go straight from work up to East Runton for the practice, and it is 11pm before I get home.

I had a half day at work today, and then went into Norwich to buy some new shoes.  I also managed to buy some sturdy sandals for wearing in Thailand.  But I had wanted to find a couple of pairs of cheap tracksuit trousers - no luck there - very little choice in the shops I visited, and what there was didn't fit.

I note there is 25% off all clothes at a certain supermarket this weekend - maybe an opportunity for a quick trip there.

Whilst I was at orchestra, Pam asked me about my blips, so I thought she should feature.  This was taken during the refreshment break - most of the rest were crowded into the small kitchen supping tea and coffee.  The 2 bassoonists were practising a difficult passage, and I think Pam and Scarlet were discussing flute duets.

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