
By krispit

Day 6 Whole30

Today was an experiment. The program suggests that you not snack between meals. That you eat enough so you aren't hungry until the next meal. So, I did it and mostly it was fine! I did have a couple almonds and cashews around 3, but I was actually hungry not just bored and craving something. I had to swing by the store to pick up baby food and being there is so tempting, reminding me of how often I gave into my little kid when she wanted something sweet. It was so easy to give in and so hard to stay strong. I'm looking forward to not needing to feel strong, to not even thinking about it really at all.
Also I read this article about these women who are 115 and it amazed me that one woman said she had a glass of milk for dinner every night and got 11 hours of sleep. Makes sense to me! Don't overload your body late at night and get lots of rest. I am working towards something like that. I have to for my health!!

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