
Today felt like Deja Vu.

I took Dolly to the groomers and while she was there I decided that the car also needed grooming.  It was filthy and the place I take it to does a great job inside and out.  While the guys are busy washing, vacuuming and polishing, I decided to polish off a Full English Breakfast at the cafe attached to the car wash.  Actually, believe it or not, this is their SMALL English Breakfast!  What a great business plan - who wouldn't mind having at least a coffee while waiting for the car to be cleaned?

Why Deja Vu?  Because I blipped an almost identical scene just over a year ago on Jan 30th 2014.  But don't worry - getting the car cleaned is more than an annual event.  

Dolly looks beautiful.  My car looks beautiful.  But with many more muddy walks before the paths dry out, I wonder how long either one will last?  

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