My changing life

By Shelley2011

Ready for waterbabies!

Today we went into town to do errands and had lunch outside the mall - made the mistake of giving melody strawberries - she looked gorgeous in her summer dress initially.. Then to tesco to double my vouchers - bit of an incident when someone nicked my cat food but manager wouldn't replace - but I made a scene and he relented - good man! After we went to gran and grandads and had a play on the garden - this pm melody had what we had - potato salad, german rye bread, salad and SALAMI?! and then she took pickled onion off my plate and tucked right in! She really loved it! Bizarre! I'm sure what I ate when pregnant has effected her taste-buds.. She likes what I like.. And although she didn't eat loads she tasted everything and sucked and chewed it before spitting some of it out so the most interest she's had in food for ages :)
WAterbabies tonight was great - melody and I did a cruise swim whereby I hold her in front of me and we both swim under! Scary for me but she was fine!
I did ironing again tonight! Wtf? I never iron but I've ironed all her summer clothes and new baby sale clothes the last few days - bizarre!

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