Here's Johnny!

Had Jon not driven up while I was taking photographs you'd have seen the wonderful image of a pumpkin wrapped in that green artificial grass that shops use. It was outside the farm shop, sheltering from the rain which arrived shortly after I headed back indoors. I'm confident that the pumpkin will be around again (or another pumpkin - I'm sure that this one will be sold soon) so you've got this shot instead.

Jon is the farm manager and the guy who comes round to rod the drains if they get blocked. He does a great deal more round here and is a wonderful source of information about the farm and how it works. He reminded me that lambing starts in a couple of weeks so you can be sure of a blip or two of baby lambs (Tautology - so sue me!). As a townie, born and bred, I never cease to be fascinated by all the stuff about growing apples and sheep and the cattle across the road. 

In other news: Marking is going slowly because a friend sent me a programming tool which I've not used for many years so I've been playing reminding myself how it works. It looks like we've made a leap forward in planning the Munich trip though and I'll be booking my travel soon. I'll take the train and hope for some Orient Express-style mysteries as we thunder south and east across Europeland. 

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