High Drama

A few jobs indoors today and some planning for the next couple of days....
Yesterday, Mr PB found a badly injured blackbird in the garden, which subsequently died. We were a bit puzzled, but what transpired today may have explained it. We've been getting regular visits from a couple of Sparrowhawks recently - previously blipped, and as I was in the kitchen, I heard a racket from the garden. It was the squeals of the captured Starling, but also the cries of some Magpies who were mobbing the Sparrowhawk. The Sparrowhawk is shielding its prey here, and subsequently carried it under the hedge to protect it from the Magpies, but then from nowhere a cat sprang out and the Sparrowhawk took off. I checked outside and there was no trace of the starling, so I think and hope the Sparrowhawk got his lunch. If something similar happened yesterday, then there were no winners; the blackbird died and the Sparrowhawk went hungry. I took the shot through the kitchen window, as I didn't want to interfere with the action.

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