Proud Weegie

By Shiv

Who shot JR !!!!

Who cares !?

Normal telly will be resumed next week (thank goodness).

In the real life, No 1 has been exercising her new found freedom with her dad's car.  Today she drove to Cramond, and accidentally got stuck in City Centre one-way traffic....going round and round and round.

My first drive in my car when I passed my test was on the M8 to Motherwell for work.  I had never been on a motorway.  I asked my dad his advice;

Me: What do I do when I get to the Kingston Bridge?
Dad: Get in the middle lane and stay there ! It's a Race track !

I also joined a Brass Band that night and drove to the first rehearsal, got lost coming home and ended up at the other side of Glasgow.  I think I drove about 5 hours that day.  

The following day I took the bus to work !

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