
By briocarioca

Meet the chairman

A day at home – lovely still to be up here in the hills, rather than back in Rio, and blissful not to have any actual work to do. I did make a feeble effort to catch up on necessary correspondence, and then decided to tackle the jungle. Where to start? My poor mother (a Proper Gardener) tried to tame the area round the house during the brief period she lived here, but the weeds are now winning easily and the ants regularly destroy anything vaguely cultivated.(why can’t they eat weeds)?
HH as usual tucked himself into the darkest corner of the sitting room with the computer and barely budged all day. He called me at one stage to witness the position above. Now that’s the second chair that has collapsed under him in two weeks. Either our chairs are rubbish, or he has put on too much weight. Well, the chairs are definitely rubbish…..
This evening I‘m half-watching the third John Travolta film in a row, while fiddling on the laptop. Each film more violent and less believable than the other. Pity I missed all but the last dance in Grease, which was on earlier – at least there was singing and dancing in that.

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