must try harder

By halfcj

I said she's back!

Yup. Safe back in her nest. Two weeks of sun, sand, sea, sister, and mother (if you're wondering where the 's' was for mother, senile was the best I could think of - and you'd have thought me rude!). Nice colour in her too.

I said she wouldn't come back to the washing and ironing piles, hoovering, dusting, a mountain of dishes (never realised we had enough for two weeks!), beer cans, pizza boxes, lawn mower at the ready, dirty windows, bathroom and shower room.

I didn't promise.

And they all said we wouldn't know what to do without her!
She cliched, 'A woman's work is never done!'.
I said she should do it properly first time then!
She said her next husband would pay for someone to do it.

I stopped saying things.

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