must try harder

By halfcj

You never know what you're going to get!

Apologies everyone. Really manic day, haven't had time to scratch ticket. So last minute, very lazy, rushed out the front as the cloud formation was geekishly interesting. It was near deathly still at ground level, but way up in the atmosphere, the clouds were dashing by! At whatever distance up, they were traveling at speed. You can see they are blurred even at a reasonably quick shutter speed as it was only just approaching the blue hour. Anyhow, I realise not very exciting for you all, so sorry, more important deadlines to hit today.

In the midst of my hectic day however, my BT saga took a new direction. Law unto themselves! I'm sure they make it up as they go along.

Quick recap:
Wrong Line into house. Fit broadband to wrong line. 12 months. Two accounts set up in error. Charging rental for phones cancelled and returned. Switch off the extra Line. Switch off the wrong one. Switch on the wrong Line. Re-direct the broadband. Switch the number to the wrong Line. Switch Off the Wrong Line. Re-direct the Broadband. Switch on the Right line...where Broadband has been re-directed away from. Arrange a House Move from our our that: They cancel Both Lines. They cancel Debt collection action for the bill for the Wrong Line I never had. they set up a new account. Actually, they set up 2 new accounts....again!...with a final flourish of : "Didn't you want both Lines?"

So, having only three months ago sorted it all out, by me eventually saying, "I tell you what, just leave both lines live. I'll use both!" It was just easier! get a phone call.
"sir....would you like the new BT Fibre optic broadband....up to 40MB speed?"
"I'm listening" says I, suspicious.
"...and free national calls 24/7 including 0845's and 0870's?...and"
"...and ?"...I continued in my mistrusting tone.
"...BT's like Sky TV, only much cheaper!". That last one was delivered with such as a sales person you just know it's the killer line!

She couldn't stop full flow, enjoying every second of the USPs BT Vision had over Sky...which actually nearly all boiled down to cost!

I said trying to interrupt her...."Helen....stop selling", I tried to demand. "How much?"

Now...methinks...that is the killer right there!

"£30 per month" she says, you could just tell she was beaming. Didn't need to see her, I could hear the excited breathing down the phone.

The conversation went on for a while whilst I just clarified what was in fact, an amazing deal, one that I sealed quick as I could make BT systems go. But suffice to say, that despite the history with incumbent lumbering giant, before my 18 month contract was up, they (she) locked me in to another 24 months, with 10 times faster broadband, free calls nationally all week [when I only get weekends at the moment], BT vision (which if any good, I can cancel my Sky £75/month!)....all for £15 a month less that I'm already paying them.

1. There has to be some kind of catch.
2. Why have I been paying £15/mth more than this for 13 months, for less services
3. Why don't they tell you this before now?

I bemused, but pleased...and yet pissed all at the same time. Way too much for my simple brain to deal with. I don't always pick up the withheld numbers during my busy days...not sure why I did today, but I was glad, because sometimes, you get a box of chocolates!

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