Stole this from yesterday.

Had a sh*t weekend.

1st - My friend took Kade on the Friday. Meant to be till the Saturday but they were all having so much fun that she kept him till the Sunday night! Missed him like mad but at the same time there was not the stress of me worrying about him getting picked on while out playing. Got Eileen and her Partner Graham a big box of choccies as a thank you.

2nd - Blip that takes up a lot of my time was down aaaaaaaaaalllllll weekend...

3rd - The TB was away to the UFC in Birmingham all weekend.

4th - Got the chance to go out on the Friday and the Saturday nights but decided to spend all my money on Xmas pressies instead, and there was nothing on tv (even though I have sky!) so was banging my head off the wall with boredom!

5th - Nic has toncilitis and was in all weekend (groan) so even though she's not speaking much she was getting on my nerves (awwww aint I a bad Mum - But hey, you don't have to live with her!)

Oh yeh, nearly forgot - I'm back at work from yesterday :)

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