
By Gochan6

Precious cargo

OK, so this is my first entry on blipfoto. I came across it after a 'flickr friend' mentioned it, so firstly, thanks to my flickr friend!
Alright - this shot was taken early this morning at Sydney airport (real early) and it's of a Jetstar Airbus A330. Wow, you say.
Wow indeed. For this particular jet was carrying very precious cargo - my beautiful wife. She was heading to Japan to spend two weeks with her family. She was in a nice warm jet - in business class as well!! - and there I was, shivering in the freezing wind, dancing around and waving like mad in front of a full jet as they taxied past. Can't wait to see her photo of this little moment. We both had a good laugh out of it when she called from their Cairns stopover.
Anyway, there it is - started now. Hello blipfoto!

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