
By MallyC

Balloon Flower

Plumber arrived 8:30am on the dot, followed by the electrician who turned the electricity off to the oven and disconnected the wiring in order to get the cooker well away from the cupboard where the cylinder resides. Can only open the door to the cylinder cupboard when cooker removed.  Fully open door exposed the real damage that the leaking cylinder had wrecked.  Upside of all that water oozing is that the flooring is tongue and groove rimu (a native NZ hardwood) which will dry well and without warping.
So plumber removes dead cylinder and replaces it with a nice new one and then we waited for the electrician to return to rewire the cooker.  Waited and waited and waited and finally at 5pm I rang him to remind him.  Turned on just in time to cook evening meal - venison sausages with steamed new potatoes, corn on the cob and a fresh salad of greens, tomatoes, cucumber etc.
Early to bed.....

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