Slightly anchoritic

A day of writing, catching up, and tea with Michael-next-door, hence the car. It's the day we remember Wulfric the Anchorite (literally "one who has retired from the world"). An Anchorite is someone who, for religious reasons, withdraws from society to lead an intensely prayer-oriented, ascetic, and Eucharist-focused life. Anchoritic dwellings were just a simple cell built against one of the walls of the local village church. Hearing Mass and receiving Holy Communion was possible through a small, shuttered window in the common wall facing the sanctuary, called a squint. There was also a small window facing the outside world, through which the inhabitant would receive food and offered spiritual advice and counsel to visitors. Anchorites were supposed to remain in their cell in all eventualities. Some were even burned in their cells, since they refused to leave even when pirates were looting and burning their towns.

I've felt a little Anchoritic today, not through prayer or pious living, just through being cooped up. It's the weekend!

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