40 days ... live

#40days day11, #live lit: to be alive, to have a home in a specified place, to maintain oneself, subsist, to occupy a home, dwell, to be located, to attain eternal life, to remain in human memory or record, to have a life rich in experience, to exhibit vigour, gusto, or enthusiasm in, to experience firsthand, to be thoroughly absorbed by or involved with. To live it up, to live up to, to live with.

Today's image, an empty plate for the 795 million people do not have enough food to live healthily and the 100 million people who do not have a home. For all those who will not be able to sustain themselves. And the spoon? I recently led a training session and received this spoon as a gift, a thank you for stirring things up. Maybe there needs to be a bit more stirring.

#rethinkchurch #rethinkphoto @rethinkchurch

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