at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant

Chair repairing

We got Ivy this super little retro toddler sized arm chair in the antique shop, but the wrapping on one of the arms had slipped slightly- so Granny Grant fixed it. Ivy spotted this and copied her working on it. 

Not such a good nights sleep from Ivy, she was up early after waking a few times in the night so was quite tired and grumpy and looking for a morning nap- which I didn't let her have since i'm trying to enforce the new routine of sleeping later and having an afternoon nap. I went to have a haircut whilst she went to tesco with Granny Grant and was by all accounts a bit of a terror- she was more cheerfull/ calmer in the afternoon after a nice long nap. 

For dinner we had thai style fish and chips since we recently got lots of exciting new spices (didn't enjoy cooking with shrimp pasta, but very much enjoyed the taste...). Ivy was incredibly impressed with being given a bowl of mayonaise based dip to dip her tempura prawns in and polished her plate clean. 

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