
By Madchickenwoman

Dawn on Hemmick Beach, Cornwall

Home, exhausted, happy! This entry write up will be added to when I have the energy! Until then todays photos can be seen here!
Ok now chosen blip can relax! This was our last day and since the previous night I had stayed up till 3, being entertained by the bearded man with tales of his escapades with seriously strange people, that night I had gone to bed early at midnight. So of course woke early having had my required hours of sleep! So having made my coffee and settled down with my book - "Into The Wild" of all choices! -I then decided to take a walk down to the beach, by road after my incident the previous time I had gone down over the fields ( more of that in a backblip!)
The beach was deserted and I happily took photographs and watched the dawn break until I lost feeling in my fingers! By the time I got back all but the teenagers were up! We packed, cleaned and set off for Portloe, a very quaint fishing village with seriously brightly painted houses! We found a tunnel leading throught the cliff to the other beach - padlocked so we couldn't travel down it. Lunch in the pub - Portloe crab for me! A short stroll up onto the cliff top, which I had said no to as my feet and calves were seriously protesting at the thought of another walk after the previous days walking . However everyone else was so I tagged along so as not to be a complete whimp - but as I was the smallest I reckon I had taken more steps than anyone else as it was! However seriously good views and well worth it!
So home with Rosie and her child and a friends she was responsible for, brilliant conversation all the way, rites of passage, veganism, child rearing and infantile men, relationships, work, poverty - think we covered most things! Evolution and religion had been discussed the previous night!!!
So home to my pets, freedom for Milly and Tilly, putting to bed on the allotment! Now time for my bed! Will back blip previous 2 days at some point! Was a very good few days away in a Youth Hostel all to ourselves and I survived the lack of mobile and internet connection!!! 

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