
By Madchickenwoman

Day 2!

Well it took me ages but finally Day 2 is done! There was absolutely no point in me trying to choose one - spent so much time looking at them I knew which my favourites were so much simpler just to do a collage!
It was a fantastic day - breakfast for the adults - children all still in bed and after 2 1/2 hours in the kitchen i was not hanging around any longer! Everyone seemed amazed at how calm I had been doing it - but I like cooking so was 2 1/2 hours of fun for me!
We set off for what turned out to be a very muddy and slippery walk along the coastal path to Caerhays Castle, Gorran, built  by John nash 200 years ago. It was used for the old BBC Drama series of Rebecca, starring starring Joanna David and Jeremy Brett, and also Dangerous Exile, Wycliffe, Poldark to mention a few! Once there we found mobile reception and both adults and children immediatly got glued to their phones to catch up via their favourite websites! Mine of course was Blipfoto!!
We had a stroll on the beach, which had gorgeous sand ripples, and to my amazement all but 3 of the others stayed in the car park chatting!. One of the girls who had joined us by car with her son who was recovering from a bug and not up to the walk,  was taking  the youngsters home and then rejoining us so we had a bit of free time! The weather began to close in and my enthusiasm began to wane - walking looking at your feet due to driving rain and no chance of taking photographs is not my idea of fun! However it held off and we walked down into Portholland, a cove where the waves came in and broke up on the steps in a mesmerising way. The local Tea Shop reopened for us and I took photos of booties and bought a very nice hand knitted jumper! I seem to be able to find a shopping opportunity no matter where I go! We sat outside with mugs of tea and cake, and the other two blokes with cameras suddenly became animated and were clicking photos all over the place! Wonderful walk back to the car past a farm full of livestock and glorious sheep framed against the sea.
That evening after pizza and salad, we had a game of sardines - this turned out to be quite creepy given the number of rooms and toilet areas! To suddenly come upon a group of people silently huddled in the dark in a corner of a room was quite bizarre - 20 people in a small bathroom quite a squash!
After this my energy nose dived and I was the first to bed! But then I had been the last person to bed the previous night and was the first person up that morning. I read a bit of "Into The Wild" by Jon Krakauer, and having been watching  the 10,000 BC series about a group of people trying to survive as Stone Age people, spending  two months in a 45-hectare forested wilderness in Bulgaria, hunting and foraging for food, and creating their own fire, I reckon I could do it (?!) but not sure I would volunteer! 
A Caravan trip is now being planned!!!
All 161 photos can be seen on Flickr!!!!!!

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