An overcast start of the day. Cold and almost raining. Who could have phantomed that in the late afternoon the sun choose to shine brightly?
I had found snowdrops yesterday and planted them in the morning. At a better spot than I ever had planted the others last year.
Chance often tells us what and where something has to be done.
This year again I had to contain myself, seeing carpets in the gardens behind the Eisenbahnerheim only one thing go through my mind.
I want a snowdrop carpet. When I, however, see a carpet of bluebells, I know for sure, that is what I really want.
Each year the same story. I do not even have a place for a carpet!! In a garden on a slope!!
Today I tried to let it go and I nearly succeeded.
I had a trick, saying to myself that a carpet would take perhaps 10 years to form. An horrible idea, perhaps I could not even live here at that time to come.
So I say to myself, you better leave behind this crazy idea, enjoy what is right before your eyes. Enjoy other wo/man's carpets and when the flowers are gone, you have totally forgotten that you wanted one for yourself at all.
To the supermarket with Piet Hein and to the bank of the Weser, saying hello to the ducks. There in the cold and dark morning I was delighted to watch their behaviour.
Late in the afternoon we walked to the Weser again, enjoying the sun and the view.

My haiku:

If I go this way
And you go there and we all
Come together again

And the proverb:

She/He has tied a knot with her/his tongue that she/he cannot untie with her/his teeth.

1580  in Lyly, Euphues.

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