...........will power.....

I bought this for the Boss on Feb 14th...........she hasn't touched it yet...........how does she manage it?

Woke up to snow this morning.........and it's been like that all day............snow, sleet, hail, rain ...........and the odd sunny spell.

Today is day 9 of the half term break..........everyone told me I needed a good rest with plenty of sleep.............so far it's gone like this

Friday: Phone calls......letters......form filling.......all related to dad's funeral
Saturday : A day of bits.......naps.......pain...more phone calls
Sunday: Drive up to Dad's.....a bit of sorting.........visit the neighbours and my Uncle.
Monday: Funeral......long drive back home.
Tuesday: More paperwork.....solicitors contacts....phone calls
Wednesday: Drive back to Dad's............two Estate Agents to value the house..............more paperwork.....a bit more sorting and tidying.
Thursday: Drive home.............find out the S & H has lost his job
Friday: Pay the money from the collection at Dad's funeral to the charity..........contact an insurance company......send completed forms off to solicitors.......to the bank to change Charlie's account from c/o Dad to me and open an account for Hannah
Saturday: A drowsy morning...........the Boss has been out to view care homes for her dad and I've fielded the phone calls from the rest of her family.

All that lot...........and the pain from the knee.......and about 3 hours sleep per night...........I'm not sure I can claim to have had a good rest!

Still..............one more day left before the return to work.

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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