.......Pactifastacus leniusculus.......

The American Signal Crayfish to you.

Introduced to Europe in the 1960's and sold to British farmers wanting to diversify into new markets in 1976.

The little bastards are everywhere now......they carry crayfish plague which is wiping out the indigenous population......and they play havoc in fisheries.

The EA would have us believe that they eat detritus from the bottom of ponds....this is what we caught from one of our lakes this morning.........about 50....so far we've caught more than 700 this year........and do you know what we bait our traps with........pouches of cat food! Detritus eaters....I don't think so.

Only managed three hours sleep last night....and although I've not said anything until now, I can't shake off this head cold/flu thing. Up at 6.00 to make the Boss a coffee before she went off to work...........then out to see the boys on the crayfish hunt.....depressed by the Olympics today....the curlers didn't perform....and the speed skating was a farce......again. YH brought Charlie and Hannah over this afternoon....the S & H came after work...........I cooked for all of us.......the Boss worked overtime...........it's just gone 10.30 and I can't keep my eyes open.

I'll see you all tomorrow.

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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