Live, love, laugh

By Rianka

The One With this Girl

While I was in China I met a lot of new people (which is, of course, very logical since I never been to China before).
The fun thing about going on a trip like this is that you meet a lot of foreign people.

One of the girls I spend a reasonable amount of time with came from Canada, Trnto (apparently you don't pronounces the 'o's when you are from there and what is how you can identify the real Toronto-er. Or so I have been told).
She is not German, although a lot of people thought this, because she had made many German friends.
She was also not American, because that is not nice to say to someone from Canada.
I am not going to compare her to other ethnicities, because Canadians can be very touchy.

This girl that I am talking about grew up as an only child. And this may explain some of her behaviors right there. Traveling in her family is seen as an important way to understand the world. So she has been to Italy, England, Australia and many places in the States. And now she is enjoying a semester at UIBE in Beijing, China. To study, they say..

The most important thing to know about this girl is that she has an ongoing, never ending, boundary crossing love for Starbucks. It is her religion as well as her addiction. If the Starbucks could somehow be brewed into a human being, she would marry him and make many weird named babies together. Who would have to go to the same high school as she did, of course.

Aside from her Starbucks religion, she also worships many strange gods. In her eyes I defined the Weather Gods several times.
Her electronics, they all have different names starting with a specific letter depending on the device. All of them, accept her Blackberry and her newly bougth baby: her first iPad.

What you also need to know about this girl is that she apparently invented human and likes to visit her friend who lives in a cave.
She has a lot of close friends (who just live in normal house accept from previous mentioned one). She holds dinner parties and brunches. She loves shopping for them and tends forgets to gets things for herself. She has expectations. But hulas, now one has sent her candy yet. It is very disappointing for all of us.

I met this girl somewhere between world domination and going to the national museum to eat cake. Somewhere along the way we ended up traveling together for two weeks. This worked out terribly well. We didn't spend a huge amount of time at the Starbucks and she did not snore. Beyond anyone's expectations we managed to not kill each other and apparently we still even want to hang out after this big adventure.

I got the opportunity to get to know this person a lot better. I had the chance to learn a lot from her. Her culture. Her way of live. Her (just in general).
She made me see that although our cultures are so similar, there are a lot of big differences. And not just in only our national culture, but also on different levels. We had interesting discussions about 'being able to chance', 'the meaning of love', 'take control' and we went on discussing little insignificant things like that.

She worries a lot about me sometimes. God knows why..

The name of this crazy girl is Beth and I am going to miss her terribly!

(Beth: please don't jump of that high building when I leave. The low one is already live threatening enough for you ;)

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