Live, love, laugh

By Rianka


One of my last full days in Beijing.
I decided that I still wanted to visit this temple, Dongyue Miao. This is the largest temple of the Zhengyi school of Taoism in northern China. It houses 90 stone tablets, has 376 rooms and covers 4.7 hectares. It was quite different from all the other temples that I have seen, which is why I loved it.

I also went to Ratin Park, Temple of the Sun. It was a little bit disappointing since I could not go on the altar, because the gates were closed. But I could enjoy the Beijing Park feeling one more time. It was quite crowded in the park, especially for a Wednesdaymorning. There were people singing, dancing and playing with their children.

In the afternoon I met up with Beth and we went for a little bit of last time shopping. We also still wanted to visit the Beijing Library, since it is one of the biggest ones. Too bad half of it was under construction. The other half, you could only visit if you where a member of the library. So this was a little bit strange. We did walk around for a little while though.

This evening was also my 'going- away' dinner. Since I did not eat hotpot yet in China, it was time to go to a nice restaurant for that :)
Joanna found a place where we could go and made the reservation. She also invited a few of her friends to come with. The Chinese people did the ordering, since the restaurant did not have any English menu's (or anyone speaking English for that matter). The hotpot was ok. I don't think it is that special and it was just as nice as the hotpot the wife of my brother makes.

After dinner we went out for some drinks in Sanlitun villages.

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