Cumbria Here I Come

By marpaul


Managed to get Misty out for a walk this morning before the rain came.  As we got back to the car it just started to spit, so good timing.  Not a lot of inspiration for blip on our walk as it was so dull and had to wack the iso up high to get this shot.  We were very nearly back at the car when another car pulled up which is what she is looking at.  She got quite excited as no doubt she was hoping that a dog would jump out the car, but alas the person was dogless much to her dismay :)

Met up with a friend afterwards in Carlisle and we went to a garden centre for a scone and coffee where we had a good old natter.  Afterwards I was quite pleased that I'd actually remembered not to take the coast road home because of the high tides and just before going home I drove down to the marsh for a looksee and the tide appeared to be going out which was a shame as I was going to take Misty for a paddle.  However, I was wrong.... the tide was still coming in as I found out later on when I tried to walk her at my sunset bridge.  All the fields were flooded and the road near the bridge too, so decided not to drive through the flood as somebody gave me a bit of a lecture the other day and pointed out that salt water causes brake failure!!

Its chucking it down now and I hope its snowing on the fells :)

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