Petit fours
After a leisurely sort of breakfast, most of the gang headed off for a walk, while I flung some things in the oven and mainly concentrated on redoing our wifi again, again, again. Sunday lunch was roast chicken, with various trimmings, and finished with this array of delights (joined later by some salted caramel truffles when I remembered to take them out of the freezer). And no, I didn't make the macarons.
All too soon, time for our guests to pile into their car and head off into the sunshine. I think we are all in need of lots of sleep and some good plain food for a few days....
With the house alarmingly quiet, we fought off the glumness we always feel when guests leave with a combination of snoozing (Mr B), minecraft (the kids - no change there then) and backblipping (me. No links, I'm sure you're all capable of clicking back.)
The furry toy on skies on the left is "Big Air Beaver", a prize from our old pre-kids ski trips for the biggest jump. I was the last winner (after a rather accidental jump) and this year it was re-awarded for the first time since 2003 (I think) to CarbBoy, for resolute determination to find air whenever he could (even though he didn't land any of the big ones, unless you count on his head...)
School tomorrow.
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