
...of man eating dragon! 

Okay...I'm not a whinger, but I'm going to have a real whinge now! 

I went into town to take pics of the Dragon parade for Chinese New Year. It started to pour down and I was soaked before I even got to Albert Square. There were hundreds of people but I found a place along the road right at the front. It was freezing cold and started to snow and I lost the feeling in the fingers on my left hand. I had forgotten the hood for my lens so I had to be extra careful not to get snow or rain on the glass. 

There was a very nice man next to me with a large umbrella, which he kindly shared, but with the wet and the cold I was absolutely freezing. The dragons eventually arrived and I took a few pics, but they were all sh*te. My hands wouldn't function, I couldn't get my settings right in the poor light, I was Billy No Mates and I wasn't happy.

As soon as it passed by I gave up and left. I was forced to go into the cafe at Waterstones for a peanut butter hot chocolate to warm up before I headed home though. I'm curled up on the sofa under a fleecy throw. I just fancy a bit of chocolate but I have nothing in the house. I don't think I will nip out to the shop in my leopard print onesie though....sigh. Instead I shall sit here and whinge away!!!!!

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