Has anyone seen Darth Vader?

I drove down to Dam House to meet Jude for breakfast this morning. She had walked down but my bloody knee is too painful to go walking, I must go and see the doc this week. I had heard that there were Star Wars characters dropping in to the Lowry today so I had planned to go for a mooch with my camera, Jude fancied going along so we headed there after breakfast.

Star Wars....pah!! There were a few grotty costumed people posing with children for pics. I only saw a few storm troopers, goodness knows where Darth Vader was. Jude was still in her 'get fit' mode so she went off on a yomp around the Quays whilst I went in search of a pic. There was a group of demonstrators outside the BBC singing and chanting, demanding freedom for the people of Venezuela. I think they hoped that the BBC would send cameras and reporters out to push their cause, but this wasn't happening.

We had another cuppa and talked of 'creative stuff' and got ourselves so fired up that we headed home eager to pic up the pen and write.

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