The Wilsons

By WendyWooWilson

10k Done!

Team JimJam did it!!!

It was hard, but we got round.  Found it was quite a serious race, but good for us as it was a flat course.  I was amazed by how much encouragement was given by the other runners when they were on the way back, it was great and really helped us keep going.  What I hadn't prepared for was the nerves with the spectators being there.  When I knew we were getting to the bits where people would be I got really anxious! Silly really.
Lovely to see my friend Becky there, who helped me do the last lap with her friend, and fellow RSE club member Laura.  Another surprise was to see my parents next door neighbour quite unexpectedly.  (They live in Cornwall!)  A quick hug before being hurried along by the race official.  
Yes, I was last, but I got round and that's what matters to me.
Am so glad we are members of a lovely running club, who were amazing with their support today.
A HUGE thanks to Jo who makes up one third of Team JimJam.  (And actually who's doing the most races!)  A very good friend. 

Let's hope I don't have to get up too many times with JimJam tonight.  Not sure the legs are up to it.....

Sorry to my In Laws as I didn't have time to freshen myself up for my father in laws birthday lunch..  I did notice you put me at the end of the table!  ;)  Happy birthday Brian.

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