The Wilsons

By WendyWooWilson

And relax....

Early hours Thursday morning JimJams food pump alarmed alot.  Eventually ruling out that line had kinked amongst other possibilities, I decided to flush her Jej to see if it was working.  Oh joy, it wasn't, couldn't even get a mil in.  A very disturbed nights sleep.  So after I'd dropped the girls off at their respective schools, I made a call to the local hospital.  We needed to have another venesection anyway so we combined the two in one visit.  Got to Glos at 12 45, and after blood tests, xrays and drips, we finally got home at 9.  We'd hear from Bristol the next day to let us know what would happen.  Basically the tube had managed to wiggle it's way back into her tummy.  No wonder she was being sick daily, I'd put it down to her having a nasty cold!    The one good thing about it was Thursday night got a completely uninterrupted nights sleep as she didn't have her pump on!!  Every cloud and all that.  ;)

So off we went at lunch time to have a new Jej.  It's all done by xray so they know that the pipe is positioned correctly.  But it does mean restraining her which breaks my heart every time.  Luckily she was asleep at the start but as soon as we started mucking around she cried.  But, this time wasn't as bad as previous times.  (And in the last 14 months she's had a few!!)  Am so proud of how she managed today.  Normally I'm a wreck when it's done and desperately need something strong to calm me down, but today we just went for a coffee to refuel.  I feel so calm after this one.  As usual, we got greeted by name as we got to xray, and one of the radiologist just came to have a chat.  

Can't wait to get home and see Caitlin as she is so proud that today she becomes a free reader and gets to choose any book at school he likes.  She reads everything, which is brilliant, but when it comes to bedtime and sleep she can be a monkey.  Can't think where she gets it all from.  

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