This young man..............
...............has a lot to answer for!
He has also taught me a lot over the last 17 years or so. This was the occasion of his - long awaited - celebration of retirement 'do'.
Many apologies for the very poor photograph but it was taken in poor light with my far from adequate little point & shoot camera. I will call round and see him again some time this week to get a better shot.
This is Mike Williams and his lovely better half, Marion. Mike was, until last year, an instructor with the RTITB in Telford and as well as taking my very first Driver Assessor course back in 1998, went on to show me the ropes when I joined the company in 2003.
He has been a good friend and colleague to me over the years and is well loved and respected in the road transport industry all over the country and S. Ireland. Many is the time when we are asked to pass good wishes on from people he has trained in the past and the sales team in Telford are often asked if he can run a course for some company needing instructors or assessors.
He has been, and will continue to be missed and best wishes for a long and happy retirement come from all who know him at the office and up and down the length of the UK.
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