The Royals Have Arrived

Isn't that a handsome animal? (And...the horse ain't bad, either.)

I went back to the ending of the Modern Pentathlon late this afternoon. The Royal Lipizzaners were supposed to perform, but only one showed up. But, what a beautiful horse. The trainer had to cut back a few of her tricks because of the wetness of the field, but they are always fun to see.

Before going to the athletic contest, I went to a talent show with my brother and sister-in-law. A SENIOR talent show, with the youngest performer being 62, and the oldest being 90.

The show is kind of hard to describe. The first lady (age 75) came out wearing a pair of tights that she might have looked good in when she was 35. The next guy (age 80) was a comedian who started telling "you know you're old..." jokes. (They might have been funny if I wasn't so old.) The third guy got right to the climatic ending of God Bless America, stopped, and said..."Oops, that's all I've got."

Finally, a guy came out that was quite good...singing a song by Garth Brooks. He was followed by a harmonica player, and some more singers.

I know my brother, who sings a lot of karaoke, was wondering how he would do against the competition. I'm going to give him one piece of advice. "TIGHTS...YOU GOTTA WEAR TIGHTS!!"

The price to get into the show was 6 dollars. On the way out, I asked for 3 of my dollars back. (Not was fun.) Click above for some shots on Flickr. A few birds, some more pentathlon  horse jumping, and a couple more of the gorgeous white horse.

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