Museum Monday

Museum Monday, and I finally got some foils, some lackeys,...some models to pose for me. The guy in the orange is my brother Jim, and in the mirror with him is his wife Joy.

Why did I make them pose? Because they FORCED me into going with them (after we had breakfast) to a place called EZ-tone, where you lay down on a series of 7 machines that just beat the living snot out of you. (Maybe it wasn't that bad, but the machines did work you over.)

I did get in trouble at the exercise place. They had one machine where you laid on your back, and the 2 massage points massaged your buttocks, 1 point on each cheek...for 6 minutes. When my six was up, I asked the attendant..."Do you mind if I flip over and have another 6 minutes?"

That last paragraph didn't really happen, but everything else is true.

Thanks to my 2 lovely models, and I feel much better today.

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