
By Igor

I got pills, they’re multiplying …

Saw the GP this morning for the results of the ‘big’ blood test.  We’ve been concerned that it might turn up something that would prevent us from going to Australia, but I’m good to go.  

Everything appears fine except for this apparent bacterial infection that’s causing the mouth ulcers.      It’s showing up in the blood results, but still no idea what’s causing it.  Anniemay is doubly relieved; “so - no nasty surprises when we go to Oxford?”  (We’re due to see the oncologist at the end of April.)

The only unexpected result is that of my cholesterol - it’s high.  Having had to deal with the consequences of bowel cancer for the past nine or so years, Anniemay and I are pretty careful about what we eat.  I exercise regularly, rarely fry anything and don’t drink alcohol.  The doctor knows me well and is as surprised as I am; “we’ll talk about this when you get back from your holiday”. 

Talking of which, he gives me a prescription for enough pills to cover the trip.  And I promise to lay off the kangaroo burgers while I’m there.

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