Because this is who I am

By Brighde


There was once a time when I figured I would just hold grudges against people forever because the idea of forgiveness was just a no-go. Like, to think I would accept whatever they did to me and just get over it was never going to happen, oh no. How could I when they were so mean?

Y'see I thought forgiveness was for the person you were forgiving. Like a 'we're cool now' type deal when you so weren't. But to forgive is for yourself, it's so you can be content and not hold anger. There's a phrase in Buddhism that says 'to be angry is to drink poison and expect the other person to die'. Meaning why be angry when it only makes you upset and does nothing to the person you're being angry at.

Now, this is easier said than done. Believe me. There's a lot of things I still find hard coming to terms with, when it comes to forgiving but so far so good. I would like to think people would forgive me if I did something wrong (which is never).

Happy Blipping.

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