But, then again . . . . .

By TrikinDave

At the Top of the Walk.

At the Top of the Walk (almost), outside the Omni Centre (I don’t know what happens inside that monstrosity and I don’t think I want to find out) are these two giraffes. If you look very carefully, it is possible to ascertain that the smaller of the two is a male.
I can find out very little about them other than that they were unveiled nearly ten years ago and were made out of scrap metal by Helen Denerley, a local lass.

It’s taken three trips to the car doctor to get it through the MOT, on the first visit, three weeks ago, they gave me the certificate, last week they did other essential maintenance apart from the task for which they’d ordered the wrong part and, today, when they fitted the correct one.  The blip was taken on the cycle home after dropping off the car.

The rest of the day was spent doing hard sums for Jnr, I’ll be glad when he moves on to zoology as I have no formal knowledge of that subject.

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