There and back again

By Mikes

Just born

This evening has turned out to be the best part of the day, soft hazy light and birds singing and Lamberts looking its best

I apologize for those who kindly commented on my earlier blip of today but this evening I was on hand to see the birth of a new arrival to the Lamberts Castle herd and it was just too good to miss as by blip for today.

The tenderness that these large animals show to this little scrap of fur has to be seen to be believed. She set to work cleaning it and softly nuzzling it whilst making soft noises.

I have said before, that I know very little about farming and I am sure that those of you who do, will soon say that "We have seen it all before" but I am sure that even the old hands of you, must be touched by the maternal instinct shown by this mother.

To me, who watched my own children being borne, and cried each time, could never tire of watching this scene unfolding.

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