There and back again

By Mikes

And a bloody good sunbeam am I

Do you get those days when you struggle to get one blip and others when you struggle to pick one from the many?

Well this was my day today Up and out with JInxy just after seven. Lamberts was in thick mist but the sun was trying to get through so up through the woods and back over the eastern side which is open country. Warm and slightly muggy but OK.
The Lamberts Herd were still laying around on a big group but some of the calfs were getting restless and were ready to go!! It reminded me of the days when I wanted a lay in and the kids were up and making a noise!! No sight of the new calf today, he must be off for a quiet day with mum somewhere.

So plenty to choose from but the sunbeam won as I rarely get a good shot in the woods.m The words are from the alternative version of Jesus wants me for a sunbeam .

Tomorrow we are off back to Dartmoor after some three weeks, so we are looking forward to that. I hope your weekends go well.

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