Black Mountains Blips

By Hanneke3

Slag Heaps, Gelligaer Common

Today was occupied with teaching my weekly print making workshop for people with early stages of dementia.

Then I had a three hour coughing fit. Yes, I did panick a little... thought it would never stop! It did eventually, after steaming with Olbas oil...

I then had to take the car in for tomorrow's service and MOT. As I am not well and have to cycle back from the garage, something I haven't done in about 5.5 months AND I haven't even tried after my knee op three weeks ago, I never ended up taking any photo's. I did take the camera with me, thinking I might take some on the way home, but it rained heavily.

I am now too cold and misereable, so one from Saturday will have to do...

Tomorrow is another day...

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