Greenhouse frame..

Been busy sorting the accounts today for the development company, it's the AGM tonight. Shuffling figures about, balancing this and that, and the report.

Also phoned Hall's Greenhouses to report that the frame didn't turn up as promised. The girl (it happens that she grew grew up in a house 100 yards down the road from where I grew up! - different era's though, but it's a small world) phoned back a little later to say the frame was on it's way, and would be with me within an hour. Yay I thought, it will soon be sorted!

She phoned back an hour later, just after one, to see if it had arrived. I told her no, but to leave it a while to give the delivery firm a chance. Our distances up here are a little different to the ones down South!

G came round to print some things off for tonight's meeting, and while she was here, the van turned up. Lad jumped out, really pleased, saying "got your greenhouse bits", and went to the back of the van.

Now I can turn my hand to most things, but trying to make a greenhouse frame out of a louvered window and automatic vent is a bit much.

Phoned my girl in Cheltenham again, to let her know what had happened, and she's arranged a 48 hour delivery with a totally new frame.

It WILL be here on Thursday!!

Don't think I want to be around when she phones Skye Distribution!!

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