A bit grainy..

..but I love the light in the hills..

Got G up (early for her!) for her Yoga. Lifted another couple of bags of swedes for J's horses, and an early run for Tanni on the beach.

Back to the house for breakfast, and in plenty of time for G (she needed he car). Updated a few web pages during breakfast, and then out to the shed to do some groundwork on the greenhouse before the new frame arrives tomorrow.. (glances upwards with sweeping eyes!)..

A came round for a chat, and we discussed drains, and trees, and houses, and emergency lights, and sheds, and greenhouses! And Geocentre's.

As we walked around the crofts, Tanni spotted geese on the far side of I's croft. She was away, from halfway down A's croft, she ran to the top to get through the fence. Then down through Gillies croft, through the gateway into I's. The geese had long flown, but she was still after them! Barking all the time..

After the chat, and look at A's new shed, and drains, and remains of his greenhouses, had to give Tanni another wash. Filled a trug with the hosepipe, and did back, and then front legs.

It then turned cold, and started raining, so came in for lunch at 2:30, and lit the fire..

I know this is a bit grainy, and dark, but love this glow of the streetlamp, and the distant mountains.. They've been snow covered for the last few days, and there was a good covering on the road at Laxford when G went to yoga in KLB..

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